Thursday, December 4, 2014

2 weeks

2 weeks! Wow!

Last night was a little rough, but overall, Chelsea is a great sleeper and all around great baby!

Congratulations to the winners of the Guess the Baby Stats game!
Date: Denise with 11/19 (correct=11/20)
Time: Raj with 10:57 am (correct=10:54)
Weight and Length: I was right on with 8lbs 7oz, 20.5 inches. Side note- this is especially interesting because, while I was in labor, every midwife asked me how big I thought she was. They said that a lot of women on their second or more pregnancy have a good feeling of size. I was like, nope, no clue. Guess I had some subconscious sense of her size, go figure:-)

Thanks to all of you who played!
Denise and Raj, your prizes are in your inbox:-D

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday @ 454am

All is well with Chelsea and Andrea.  We are all pretty tired, but Chelsea has been a pretty relaxed kid so far, and she is taking to breastfeeding like a champ. 

Because Andrea was in labor so long after her water broke it looks like we will be spending another night in the hospital so Chelsea can be monitored. 

We just weighed Chelsea and apparently she has list 1.96% of her body weights.  I guess as long as it isn't more than 5% in the first day we are good.  So far she has pooped four times and peed at least once. 

Andrea didn't need any stitches, and will hopefully recover quickly. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Welcome chelsea

20.5 inches long
Head 36cm
8lb 7oz
10:54am 11/20/14
Chest 34cm
Waist 34cm

Baby is out

Baby is here.  10:54


We might have a baby making its way soon.  Andrea said she is feeling the pressure. 


We are going to try restarting the pitocin but only at a level of 1 so we can see how Chelsea responds. 


Currently Andrea's uterus is being pumped full of saline and it appear like it might be helping.  Contractions appear to be happening more frequently and for longer. The question is are they stronger.   Right now Andrea has her eyes closed and hopefully she gets some rest, since she has been up for over 28hrs.  She normally get 8-9hrs of sleep a night so this is definitely taking a toll.